Let’s start this week with a (literal) bird’s eye view of the world in this heart-warming (and heartbreaking if you think deeply) video:
If lucky enough, you may enjoy this prescreening version of the documentary based on the life and work of Vandana Shiva, the Indian environmental thinker, activist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate.
Foreign Policy has one insightful piece on how the Russian economy is doing amid the sanctions. You can read it here. (It is behind the paywall but I could read it without paying, may be they allow a piece for free each month).
On climate front, the title of this piece from our very own Bill McGuire( I have talked about his book The Guide to The End of the World in NewsGuff and eagerly waiting for his next book Hothouse Earth: An Inhabitant’s Guide) tells everything: The terrifying truth: Britain’s a hothouse, but one day 40C will seem cool.
If you are worried about not knowing enough about the impending economic crisis in Pakistan, here are two podcasts:
The Red Line: Balochistan and the breaking of belt and road
Looking for some wonderful short films? Here are two, one each from India and Pakistan:
And finally, my own recent piece in Setopati about the disconcerting tale of Mao Zedong’s behavior towards women:
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Photo of the week: The serene cloud-laced village in Lalitpur: