This week has seen some of the worst weather extremes in the form of heat waves in different parts of the world. While Nepal is enjoying the monsoon shower thanks to the Himalaya and our proximity to Bay of Bengal, many countries are being literally singed by both the sun and the wildfires.
Therefore it is natural that the recommendations this week will be dominated by climate issue.
To know how the future looks like with frequent heat waves, how societies tend to respond to them differently and what differences those choices make to our survival, please listen to this wonderful recent episode of Cationary Tales: Chicago When It Sizzles.
And this wonderful talk with David Suzuki on how we humans may be cannibalizing our own civilization:
If you are about to make decisions about your family size amid the climate disruption this may help you in the process:
Are kids bad for the planet? (Podcast from Politico)
And a piece about a related issue in The New Republic: How to tell your child about the end of the world? My Nepali translation of this piece here: संसारको अन्त्य हुँदैछ भनेर तपाईंको बच्चालाई कसरी भन्ने?
I hope you read two of my recent and fairly consequential pieces from setopati:
क्रूर रूस, बहादुर युक्रेन र मनकारी छिमेकी
मार्क्सवादी साथीहरू, यौन हिंसाका आरोप सही ढंगले सम्बोधन गरौं, विषयान्तर नगरौं
You can expect couple of articles following up on the same themes over coming week.
Finally some video stuff. Here is one inspiring story from Indian youtuber Dhruv Rathee on how Amsterdam transformed itself into a bicycle city:
Finally, I have decided to make the timing of these weekly posts more flexible. You may get them any time from Wednesdays to Fridays. This week it has been Wednesday.
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